【塩屋岬と塩屋崎灯台】福島県いわき市~ドローン映像~ Fukushima Prefecture, Japan: A beautiful cape rebuilt after the earthquake

皆様こんばんは🌙 Bird’s☆feelingsです。今回の映像は遠征して福島県いわき市の”塩屋岬と塩屋崎灯台”をドローン空撮させて頂きました。と言っても2023年11月に撮影した映像です。※2023年11月撮影 天気:晴天 時刻:午前 風速:弱風

Good evening everyone 🌙 This is Bird’s☆feelings. For this video, we went on an expedition to take aerial photos of Cape Shioya and the Shioyazaki Lighthouse in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, using a drone. That said, this video was taken in November 2023. Weather: Sunny Time: Morning Wind speed: Weak wind

昭和の歌姫「美空ひばり」様の”みだれ髪”の舞台の塩屋岬 Cape Shioya, the setting of the Showa era song “Misora ​​Hibari”

私自身、福島県に訪れたのは以前若かりし頃に用事を済ます為に訪れただけで、今回のようにゆっくり来訪させて頂いたのは今回が初めてです。塩屋岬の他にも回りましたが福島県は昭和大好きな私にとって「やばい!凄く良いところじゃん!!」というのが正直な感想でした😊 絶対また来たいと・・・。

特にここ塩屋岬は前情報も何もなく連れられて来訪させて頂いたのですが、はっきり言ってもうドローン撮影は気持ちの中でちょっと薄れてきてしまったくらいの興奮を覚えました💦 それはもちろん海水が凄く奇麗なことも大きな要因でしたが・・・なぜかと言うと・・・。

I’ve only visited Fukushima prefecture before when I was younger to take care of some business, but this was my first time to take my time and visit like this. I’ve been to other places besides Shioya Misaki, but as someone who loves the Showa era, my honest impression of Fukushima was, “Wow! It’s a great place!!”   I definitely want to come back…

I was taken to visit Shioya Misaki without any prior information, but to be honest, I was so excited that the drone photography started to fade away in my mind. Of course, the seawater was very clean, which was a big factor, but… the reason is…


I only found out when I visited here that this is the setting for Misora ​​Hibari’s song “Midaregami.”


At the memorial monument, a sensor plays Hibari Misora’s original song “Midaregami”. I listened to it many times, triggering the sensor.


Even now that Hibari Misora ​​has passed away, I wonder if she still comes to see the beautiful Cape Shioya from time to time…

いわき市と縁が深かった美空ひばりさん。 Misora ​​Hibari had a deep connection with Iwaki City.

昭和大好き人間の私にとってはもう感動でしかなかったです😂 ドローンでの空撮で訪れたのですが、正直それも忘れてしまったくらいでした。海岸にあるお土産屋さんと言い、海の景観と言いなぜか古き良き時代の面影が感じられる海岸でした。

As a person who loves the Showa era, I was just moved. I went there to take aerial photos with a drone, but to be honest, I almost forgot about it. The souvenir shops on the coast and the ocean view somehow reminded me of the good old days.




I myself will never forget the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011. I live in Tokyo and only experienced tertiary damage, but the towns on the coast of Fukushima Prefecture suffered enormous damage.

There must have been a great deal of pain, such as the sadness of losing loved ones, financial hardship, and other hardships that are difficult to describe. Their lives suddenly changed. And not only that, they suffered for a long time in many ways even after the disaster…

But the roads here at Shioya Misaki have been rebuilt and still feel new, and the levees are apparently stronger. The area has been rebuilt thanks to the efforts of everyone in Fukushima Prefecture. It must have been really difficult.


でも地元の人々の悲しみや苦しみを乗り越えて頑張ってきたことが、この塩屋岬の美しさにも表れてるんじゃないかな・・・そんな感がじました。 映像という2次元のものですが、そんな感じを少しでも感じて頂けたら嬉しいです。

The setting for Misora ​​Hibari’s “Midaregami” is the coast that was likely the first to be hit by the massive tsunami from the Great East Japan Earthquake… I’m not sure how to describe it, but it was a very sad and emotional experience during filming.

But I feel that the beauty of Shioya Cape reflects the efforts of the local people to overcome their sadness and suffering.

Although it is a two-dimensional film, I would be happy if you could feel even a little of that feeling in the video.

塩屋岬と塩屋崎灯台ドローン空撮 Drone aerial photography of Cape Shioya and Shioyazaki Lighthouse


Aerial photography and video production using drones
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Nationwide comprehensive permission application approved
Email: birdsfeeling2023@gmail.com

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