【白根山 湯釜】今は肉眼で見れない群馬県屈指の観光スポット~絶景な火口湖ドローン空撮~Drone video of a crater lake in Japan

皆様こんばんは!Bird’s☆feelingsです🌛 今日6月13日、東京ももう真夏かよ!?というくらい暑かったですね😂

もうこれはたまたま暑い時期が前倒しで来たというよりも、昨年国連総長が言われた「もう地球温暖化ではなく地球灼熱化の時代が到来した」という言葉通りになってしまってるなと感じます。 本格的な夏の到来が怖い・・・。

皆様、今から暑さ対策は真剣に考えておきましょうね!! さて今回ご紹介させて頂くドローン空撮映像は、群馬県吾妻郡草津町にある以前は超有名観光スポットだった「湯釜」です。

Good evening everyone! This is Bird’s☆feelings 🌛 Today, June 13th, is it already midsummer in Tokyo? It was so hot 😂

It’s not that the hot season just happened to come early, but rather that the words of the UN General Secretary last year, “We are no longer in the era of global warming, but of global inferno,” have come true. I’m scared of the arrival of full-scale summer…

Everyone, let’s start thinking seriously about how to deal with the heat from now on! Now, the drone aerial footage I’d like to introduce to you this time is “Yugama,” a former super famous tourist spot in Kusatsu Town, Agatsuma County, Gunma Prefecture.

白根山火口湖「湯釜」 Mount Shirane crater lake “Yugama”

この湯釜は私自身過去に観光で訪れたことがある場所でありまして、約20年ぶりくらいの再訪でした。だがしかし来てみてビックリ・・・。 ナビを頼ってたどり着くも湯釜の看板もなく気付かないで2回通り過ぎてしまったくらいです。

昔来た時に寄ったような記憶のあるドライブインも廃墟のようでした。 私の記憶の中の楽しかった観光スポット「湯釜」の面影はまったくありませんでした・・・😭

I’ve been to Yugama before as a tourist, and this was my first visit in about 20 years. However, I was surprised when I got there… I got there using my navigation system, but there was no sign for Yugama, and I passed it twice without noticing. 

The drive-in that I remember visiting when I was here long ago also seemed to be in ruins. There was no trace of the fun tourist spot “Yugama” that I remembered…

現役時代、みんなの思い出の詰まったドライブインも今は廃墟となってしまいました。 The drive-in, which was filled with everyone’s memories when it was still in operation, is now in ruins.
休日ともなればこのドライブインは人と車でごった返してました。 On holidays, this drive-in is crowded with people and cars.

今や誰も車を停めることが出来ない湯釜の駐車場 The parking lot at Yugama, where no one can park their car anymore
かつて多くの人が記念撮影を撮った湯釜見晴台(下記に2000年位の同じ場所の写真があります) Yugama Observatory, where many people used to take commemorative photos (below is a photo of the same place from around 2000)

西暦2000年くらいに撮影した貴重な映像がありました(画像が粗いですがご容赦下さい)・・・ I found some valuable footage taken around the year 2000 (although the images are not very clear)…

約2000年当時の湯釜ドライブイン Yugama Drive-In around 2000
2000年当時休日ともなれば観光で訪れる人が絶えなかった湯釜 In 2000, there was a constant stream of tourists visiting Yugama on holidays.

2018年に起きた本白根山の噴火 The 2018 eruption of Mt. Honshirane


I had completely forgotten about Yugama when I returned to take photos here, but due to an increase in volcanic earthquakes in 2014 and the eruption of Mt. Moto-Shirane in 2018, entry to the crater lake “Yugama” was prohibited, and the shop and parking lot were also closed (however, the road that passes right next to “Yugama” is now passable).

今はもう肉眼では見れない「湯釜」ドローン空撮映像です。ぜひご覧ください😀 This is a drone aerial video of the “Yugama” which can no longer be seen with the naked eye. Please take a look.

現在見れないのが凄く残念な群馬県火口湖の”湯釜”のドローン映像です。 This is drone footage of the crater lake “Yugama” in Gunma Prefecture, which unfortunately is currently not available to view.



It used to be a place bustling with tourists, and it’s a place I have personal memories of, so even though I understand that it’s inevitable due to a natural disaster, I was still quite shocked by how much it had changed.

I wonder if I’ll be able to see it with my naked eyes again in my lifetime…I’d love to see it if I can!! It’s a spectacular crater lake. Please come and see it.

よろしかったらイイね!やチャンネル登録よろしくお願いします😀 励みになります!! If you like it, please like and subscribe to the channel. It’s encouraging!

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