ドローン映像【嵐山渓谷(岩畳)】歌人「与謝野晶子」も訪れた渓谷~Drone footage of beautiful valleys in Japan


与謝野晶子も訪れた嵐山渓谷  Ranzan Valley, where Akiko Yosano also visited


This valley, also known as “ranzan Rock Beds,” is a place that you may know from your school textbooks, but it is also a place visited by the Meiji-era poet Yosano Akiko. A magnificent monument to her poem has also been erected.


「渓谷の最下流部にある槻川橋より、渓谷と周囲の赤松林の美しい景観を眺め、その様子が京都の「嵐山(あらしやま)」に大変よく似ているということで、「武蔵国の嵐山」という意味で命名されたということです。この地名は後に、当町の町名にも採用され「嵐山町(らんざんまち)」となりました。 ~嵐山町HPより~  ただ景色を眺めるのも良いものですが、このように歴史を紐解くと凄くまたロマンを感じるますねニコニコ

“From Tsukikawa Bridge, located at the bottom of the valley, you can see the beautiful view of the valley and the surrounding red pine forest. The view is very similar to “Arasiyama” in Kyoto, so the area was named “Arashiyama in Musashi Province.” This place name was later adopted as the name of the town, becoming “Ranzanmachi.” It’s nice to just look at the scenery, but when you unravel the history like this, you can really feel the romance.


明治生まれの日本で有名な歌人だった与謝野晶子歌碑 A monument to Akiko Yosano, a famous Japanese poet born in the Meiji era


今回実は撮影時89歳(でも体は元気です)の年老いた母&愛犬も一緒に嵐山渓谷ドローン撮影に連れて来ました。元気ながらも体力的にも大丈夫かな~と思いましたが、この美しい渓谷と与謝野晶子が大好きということで、与謝野晶子も訪れた場所を見せたくて連れ出してしまいました💦 しかもドローンで撮影してしまいました😅 でもいつになく笑顔満面で結構ご満悦頂けたようです! またどこか一緒奇麗な景色を観ににいこうね!

This time, I actually brought my 89-year-old mother (but healthy) and my dog ​​along with me to take the drone shots of Arashiyama Valley. Although she is healthy, I wondered if she would be able to handle it physically, but she loves this beautiful valley and Yosano Akiko, so I took her out to show her the places she also visited. She seemed to enjoy it very much. Let’s go see some beautiful scenery together again!

これからもいろんな癒されスポットもドローン撮影致します!! We will continue to use drone photography to capture various relaxing spots!!

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