山梨県の景勝地 【昇仙峡】ドローン映像~日本五大名峡の一つ Drone footage of scenic spots in Japan


Good evening everyone! This is Gucci from Birdsfeelings♪. This time, I visited Shosenkyo in Yamanashi Prefecture. Located in Chichibu Tama Kai National Park, Shosenkyo is a wonderful place full of things to see, including Kakuenpo, the waterfall Sengataki, and the tunnel made up of large rocks called Sekimon.

仙娥滝(せんがたき) Sengataki Falls


石門(せきもん) Sekimon


川が花崗岩を侵食して出来たらしいです・・・Apparently it was formed when the river eroded the granite

人生経験が少ないと言ったら良いのか、旅行経験が少ないと言ったら良いのかわかりませんが私は大自然が作った芸術的な景色を生まれてはじめて目の当たりにしました滝汗 ネットの写真で見たとの比べて思ったよりデカい・・・




ホント関東近県にお住まいの方はぜひ一度訪れてみて下さい照れ 不思議な大自然の芸術と言ったところです!!

I don’t know if I should say I have little life experience or little travel experience, but this was the first time I’ve ever seen such an artistic landscape created by nature. It was bigger than I thought it would be compared to the pictures I saw online…

Wiki and most other sites say that the reason why Shosenkyo took such an unnatural and artistic shape is that the granite has been created over many years of providence, but there seem to be many other theories.

It is also said that Shosenkyo is the birthplace of crystal.

Taking that into account, I, believe that extraterrestrial life forms created it in ancient times to give Earthlings (Japanese people) richness, including their hearts! ! Moreover, it used to be a training ground for Shugendo, so I think that even more so (lol)

If you live in the Kanto region or nearby prefectures, please visit it at least once. It’s a mysterious work of art by nature! !

そんな昇仙峡をドローンで撮影させて頂きました I took some photos of Shosenkyo with a drone.

はっきり言って今回の撮影は残念でしたあせる 時間が押し迫ってしまい、撮影が夕方くらいになって少し映像が暗くなってしまったのと、今回は覚円峰ばかりの映像となってしまってもっと昇仙峡の他のところも撮影出来たらと悔やまれてなりませんあせる


今度は紅葉の時を見計らってまたリベンジしたいと思います!! ホント自然って凄いし素晴らしいですね!ぜひご覧ください! よかったらチャンネル登録やイイネ!お願いしますおねがい

Frankly speaking, this shoot was disappointing.

Time was tight, and we filmed in the evening, so the footage got a little dark. Also, this time the footage was mostly of Kakuenbo, so I regret not being able to film other parts of Shosenkyo.But I hope that the 4K drone footage I shot this time will give you a sense of the splendor of Kakuenbo and the greatness of nature.

Next time, I’d like to try again when the leaves change color!! Nature is really amazing and wonderful! Please take a look! If you like it, please subscribe to my channel and like it! Thank you!

これからもいろんな場所のドローン映像をお届けします!! We will continue to bring you drone footage from various locations!

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