パワースポット!?神聖な滝【九頭竜の滝】 ~東京都桧原村~Drone footage of waterfalls in Japan





滝下を流れる水は透明度がハンパないです!!The water flowing below the falls is incredibly clear!

こんな巨大な岩が落石した時の音はどんな音なんでしょう・・・What kind of sound does it make when such a huge rock falls?




Good evening everyone.

This time, I visited Kuzuryu Falls in Hibara Village, Tokyo.I honestly think that Kuzuryu Falls is not a tourist spot^^;

It is located along Route 206 heading towards the Okutama Loop Road (usually a road used by dump trucks, locals, etc.), so if you are just driving around, you probably won’t notice it.

But Kuzuryu Falls… it was a waterfall that felt very divine. That’s because Kuzuryu Shrine is nearby.

In Tenbun 14 (1545), Fujiwara Nobuyoshi, Iga no Kami Nakamura of the Kazuma Group, established Kuzutaki Shrine here from Togakushi Village, Nagano Prefecture.
At the time, the falls were called “Yokomichi no Taki” (side road waterfall) because a residential road and an important highway to other prefectures passed by the side of the falls. However, after the shrine was founded, the number of worshippers increased, and many believers could be seen bathing in the waterfall to purify themselves.
Around this time, the falls came to be fondly called “Kuzuryu no Taki” (Kuzuryu Falls).
One believer says that it looks like Buddha is bathing in the waterfall (from the Hibara Village website).

In fact, it is a waterfall where ascetic practices are also performed! Here is drone footage of the sacred “Kuzuryu no Taki”…

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