【吹割の滝】群馬県絶景観光スポット~Drone footage of a rare waterfall in Japan~

皆様こんばんは!Bird’s☆feelingsです😊 今回は一昨年の夏に撮影したドローン映像ですが、群馬県の沼田市にある「吹割の滝」の空撮をご紹介致します。

Good evening everyone! This is Bird’s☆feelings.

This time, we will introduce drone footage taken in the summer of last year of the aerial view of “Fukiware Falls” in Numata City, Gunma Prefecture.

東洋のナイアガラと呼ばれる名瀑「吹割の滝」 Fukiware Falls, a famous waterfall known as the Niagara of the East

皆様群馬県沼田市の観光スポット「吹割の滝」は行ったことがあるでしょうか!私は3回程行ったことがあります。 滝と言えば大概は上を見上げて見るものでございますが、ここの滝は違います・・・下を見る感じです。 初めて訪れた時はなんの前情報もなく連れられて来ただけなのでビックリしました。そして虜になりました(笑) 



Have you ever been to Fukiware Falls, a tourist spot in Numata City, Gunma Prefecture? I’ve been there about three times. When you think of a waterfall, you usually look up, but this waterfall is different… you look down. The first time I visited, I was just brought there without any prior information, so I was surprised. And I was hooked (lol). Gunma Prefecture has many tourist attractions, but I think Fukiware Falls is a must-see spot in Gunma. If I’m passing by there again, I’ll definitely stop by!

ドローンで絶景の滝を空撮 Drone aerial photography of a spectacular waterfall

観る者より下に位置する珍しい吹割の滝 The rare Fukiware Falls, located below the viewer

これからもいろんなことにひるまず?(笑) ドローン空撮で奇麗な景色等を撮影して参ります!!

I will continue to not be intimidated by anything (lol) I will continue to take pictures of beautiful scenery and other things using drone aerial photography!!

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