【奇勝 大弁天島】 ~鳥居が建てられた奇麗な海岸ドローン映像~Drone footage of Japan’s beautiful ocean


今回は千葉県鴨川市にある「大弁天島」に訪れました。前回の記事で城崎海岸をご紹介させて頂きましたが、実を申しますとこの大弁天島が本来の目的地でした爆  笑 東京から近い場所でロケーションの素晴らしい鳥居のある小島を知り、大弁天島目指して来訪した次第であります。


でも時代が変わったせいか、はたまたこの地域だけなのかここは凄く綺麗で神聖な感じのする海でした! 千葉の海への考えが一変しました!関東太平洋側の海によくあるある的な軟派なイメージは皆無で、どことなく日本海側的な雰囲気の海岸、そして今も弁天様が見守っておられる海岸です・・・。

This time, I visited “Daibenten Island” in Kamogawa City, Chiba Prefecture. In my previous article, I introduced Kinosaki Coast, but to tell you the truth, Daibenten Island was my original destination. I heard about a small island with a torii gate in a wonderful location near Tokyo, and I decided to visit Daibenten Island.

But to be honest, I didn’t have a very good image of Chiba’s sea, because I had a completely preconceived notion… When I went to the Kujukuri sea a long time ago, there were a lot of people… It can’t be helped, but there were few parking spaces and vacant spaces, and some yakuza-like people took advantage of this and forced me to park in a higher parking lot… To be honest, I thought “Ah, it’s Chiba Prefecture after all…” at the time.

But maybe it’s because times have changed, or maybe it’s just this area, but this sea was so beautiful and felt sacred! My thoughts about Chiba’s sea have completely changed! It has none of the soft image that is common in the seas along the Pacific coast of the Kanto region, and has a somewhat Japan Sea-like atmosphere, and it is a coast where Benten-sama still watches over us today…

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