【秩父湖吊り橋】~老朽化がかなり進んでしまった長い吊り橋~ ドローン空撮しました。Drone Video「Lake Chichibu Suspension Bridge」










Apparently, it has become extremely famous as a haunted spot in the Kanto region since being featured on Junji Inagawa’s “Scenes of Terror,” but I personally find it hard to believe… Even though it’s said to be a famous suicide spot, there is no sign about life, and if the incident that Junji Inagawa spoke about had happened, it would have been on the news in itself, but no such incident has occurred.

However, it seems that there was a charcoal suicide not on this bridge but nearby, and a university student who came to test his courage slipped and died…

It’s really frustrating that introducing it as a haunted spot has resulted in a death…

But the Lake Chichibu Suspension Bridge is amazing to see here during the day, and I think it must have taken some impressive technology to build such a long suspension bridge at the time (completed in 1962). Moreover, this suspension bridge, which offers a view of the lakeside from about the middle, makes you feel like you’re looking at it from the air!! Unfortunately, the Lake Chichibu Suspension Bridge is now impassable due to its aging and is dangerous, and the other Oodogawa Suspension Bridge is also extremely dangerous to reach, so it’s best to avoid crossing it at all costs. It’s a shame, because if it could be maintained, it would be a great suspension bridge as a tourist spot. It’s quite an impressive bridge to see.

I took some drone footage of the breathtaking Lake Chichibu Suspension Bridge and Oodogawa Suspension Bridge. Please take a look.

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