滝行の場【金剛の滝】東京都八王子市~Japanese waterfalls where takigyo is practiced


今回Bird’s feelings♪は東京都八王子市にある「金剛の滝」を訪問させて頂きました。













でもその後に現れる、先ずは雌滝を見れた時には思わず「オォーーー」という言葉しか出てこなくなると思いますニコニコ 言うまでもありませんが、訪れる前と後では心と体がスッキリ度の違いが断然に実感できると思います。




Good evening everyone!

This time, Bird’s Feelings♪ visited Kongo Falls in Hachioji, Tokyo.Kongo Falls is a rather spiritual waterfall, a place of training for Esoteric Shingon Buddhism, and even today, it is a waterfall for training. In fact, I have encountered people who actually practice asceticism at the waterfall.

[Access and introduction to Kongo Falls] In July, the rock walls around the waterfall are covered with flowers of rock lilies, which are very pretty. It takes about 50 minutes to walk from the Imakumayama trailhead bus stop, but it is about 40 minutes to walk from Kotokuji Temple (Akiruno City, 30 minutes on foot from Musashi-Itsukaichi Station, parking available) (part of the Akigawa Hills hiking course).

If you take a taxi, you can get as far as the Tokyo Electric Power Company Power Grid Shintama Substation (there is a car stop beyond that, so you cannot enter), but there is no parking nearby, so you will need to use public transportation.

By the way, Kongorikishi are gods who ward off external enemies and protect Buddhism (Kukai also holds a vajra in his right hand), so we can see that the area was a place of ascetic training for Shingon esoteric Buddhism.
Until the separation of Shinto and Buddhism in the early Meiji period, Imakuma Shrine was a Shinto-Buddhist syncretic Imakuma Daigongen, and was founded based on the divided spirit of Kumano Hongu in Kii Province (Imakumayama Shofukuji was the head priest during the Shinto-Buddhist syncretic period).
Imakuma Shrine and Kongo Falls are what convey the Kumano faith that was introduced to Kanto in the Middle Ages.
The rock cave that connects the Male and Female Waterfalls was also presumably dug by ascetics.

I’ve been here a few times, but on my first visit, when I went from the TEPCO Power Grid Shintama Substation, I had a lot of trouble, so this time I visited from the Kotokuji side (there is also a parking lot).This is the Male Waterfall and the rock cave that is said to have been dug by ascetics.

Shingon esoteric Buddhism is amazing!! Kongo Falls is not a tourist spot, but rather a place of training or a hidden place. Naturally, you have to walk a long mountain path to see it.But when you see the female waterfall that appears afterwards, you will be able to say “Woooow!” Needless to say, you will definitely feel the difference in how refreshed your mind and body are before and after visiting.

When I visited this time, the Kongo Rikishi statue that was previously enshrined on the rock face of the male waterfall had fallen. Was it due to weather or an earthquake? If you know anything about it, please comment.

There are such sacred and wonderful waterfalls in Tokyo. Tokyo is not a bad place after all. Please take a look at the drone footage of Kongo Falls! If you like it, please subscribe to the channel and like it! Thank you.

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